The National Youth Council of Macedonia (NYCM) is a union of associations where associations and foundations from the Republic of Macedonia are registered on a voluntary basis. NYCM was established on 29 June 2013 by 55 organizations.
The NYCM is a representative body for youth organizations in Macedonia. NYCM unites 51 organizations: 15 youth organizations, 21 organizations for youth, 1 union, 4 youth wings of other organizations, 1 university student assembly, and 9 associate members, in order to promote and advocate for the rights of the Macedonian youth.
The membership of the NYCM is diverse, bringing together organizations working at national and regional level, rural and urban areas, student organizations, branches of international organizations and other types of organizations. In the process of achieving their goals, NYCM represents the interests of young people in the Republic of Macedonia regardless of their social and economic status, gender, race, ethnic and cultural background, political and religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other type of difference.
From 29 November 2015, the NYCM is part of the European family of youth organizations called the European Youth Forum (EYF).
Currently, two programs are operating at the NYCM, a Good Governance Program and a Strategic Development Program.
Independent, autonomous and inclusive youth sector, representing young people in Macedonia.
The mission of the NYCM is to represent the interests and needs of young people as a liaison to all stakeholders so as to ensure involvement and active participation of youth in the process of decision-making at every level.
Strengthening the role of NYCM as a representative body of youth and youth organizations;
Encouraging processes for tailoring appropriate policies that provide social and personal development of young people;
Advocacy and action on behalf of the interests of young people and youth organizations through representation of their interests before the institutions;
Uniting and developing the capacities of the youth sector by strengthening and promoting the role of youth organizations;
Promoting informal education and encouraging the creation of systems to support young people at local and national level;
Improving the position of youth in society through: – Promotion and action for strengthening youth participation in the process of decision-making – Promotion of youth activism, youth information and active citizenship among young people;
Promoting equality, treatment of young people, tolerance and democracy among and between youth.
Governing Board
Between two sessions of the General Assembly, the work of NYCM is managed by the Governing Board, consisting of 3 to 5 members elected by the Assembly of NYCM, one of whom is appointed as President and one as Vice President of the Council. The Governing Board implements the adopted decisions and conclusions of the Assembly and operates in accordance with the objectives and values of the Council. The members that make up the Board of NYCM, listed with their relative positions, are as follows:
The secretariat of NYCM is the operating authority in charge of implementation of all the activities related to current operations by NYCM that do not fall under the responsibility of other bodies. The Secretariat of NYCM is managed by the Secretary General, and the other members of the Secretariat are coordinators in charge of special units, while the assistants give full support to the Secretariat in its work. The secretariat of NYCM consists of the following members:
Supervisory Board
The supervision over the work of the organs and bodies of NYCM is carried out by the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board is an independent body of NYCM composed of three members. The members of the Supervisory Board are elected by the NYCMs Assembly and its duty is to control the overall work of the Councils bodies, especially to control the material and financial operations of the Council. The Supervisory Board of NMSM consists of the following members:

Ana Klesova

Arta Qerimi